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Help us to help you with independent, tailored, expert advice on Software Procurement or Employee Benefits

Frequently Asked Questions
What does Fasilium do?

Fasilium assists organizations in selecting the ideal software and benefits plans for their business through our two divisions, Fasilium Consulting and Fasilium Financial. 

What does Fasilium Financial do?

At Fasilium Financial, a division of Fasilium, we recognize the critical role benefits play in supporting the health and well-being of employees. Our mission is to empower and guide organizations through the nuanced process of selecting, managing, and optimizing their employee benefits package.  

What does Fasilium Consulting do?

At Fasilium Consulting, a division of Fasilium, we understand that software is not just a tool; it is the backbone of efficient business in today’s digital age. Our mission is to empower and guide organizations through the complex process of selecting, purchasing, and implementing the right software solutions.

How is Fasilium different?

We listen to and understand your needs, then act as your advocate in the marketplace. Since we don’t represent a specific product or solution in the employee benefits or software realm, you receive the best fit for the needs you’ve helped us define. Simple, unbiased, expert advice that will help you achieve your goals.

Help Us to Help You!
Get Started today!

Whether it’s selecting or evaluating your current Employee Benefits Plan or Software. Help us to help you make the right decision.

Independent, Tailored, Expert Advice.

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